Anti-Tack Almanac
The Anti-Tack Smart Factory Build
There is one department in a rubber plant that tends to be more resistant to change than others and that’s the anti-tack area.
Overcoming Common Plant Problems
The snowing and dust from slab dip is really two versions of the same issue. Dust is fine particles of slab dip that leave the rubber, float through the air and collect on all manner of surfaces.
Common Slab Dip Headaches and Solutions
With a few adjustments you can easily control the most common issues – foam that overflows the dip tank, holding tank and the pit, back-side wiping, shallow dip pans, short drying lines and housekeeping such as foam, snow and dust.
Cleaning the Pipes
Sludging is not an uncommon issue when it comes to dip systems and it can be a costly nuisance. Clogged pipes, extensive PM’s, buildup on the line, conveyors and in the dip tank. Is there a sure fire way to put an end to sludge?
Stop this F@&ming Insanity!
Let’s face it, your dream of a brand new, sparkling clean, state of the art rubber line – run by robots – with no slab dip foaming is mostly pure fantasy. The only part of that pretty picture based in reality is the no-foaming slab dip portion. So, how do you get rid of all that foam?
Upcoming Crystalline Silica Regulation
What does this mean to rubber manufacturers? Most anti-tacks contain ample amounts of respirable crystalline silica hidden within the main ingredients. It is important your supplier is able to provide documentation of the exact amount of respirable crystalline silica in their product.
The Dollars & Cents of Anti-Tack
The cost of dip has a direct impact on manufacturing costs, but tends to be the last product scrutinized until the budget is blown. Be proactive, ask your supplier about their average pickup rate, and then measure the rate for yourself.
How the Upcoming Crystalline Silica Regulations Will Affect Rubber Manufacturers?
The newly accepted rule requires all companies using products containing the carcinogen, respirable crystalline silica, to maintain levels of less than 1%.
I’m Sorry…Size Matters! At least, when it comes to anti-tack performance.
When it comes to anti-tack, size (specifically particle size) is a key factor in determining performance.
My Slab Dip is Sludging
Sludging is a common issue that can be a costly nuisance when it comes to slab dip systems
Cost of Water Cramping your Slab Dip Budget?
Those of you who use per-dispersed slurry are paying about $0.30-0.40/lb for the water in that slurry. That’s correct; an even higher price than bottled water!
Losing Control…of Foam?
Let’s face it, your dream of a brand new, sparkling clean, state of the art rubber line – run by robots – with no slab dip foaming is mostly pure fantasy. The only part of that pretty picture based in reality is the no-foaming slab dip portion. There typically are a number of quick and easy fixes to significantly control foaming slab dip.